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We Want You!

Sadie Lune

Are you a current or former sex worker who loves Tits and Sass, but stumped on ways to contribute? We are always interested in anything pertaining to sex work in the news and/or in popular culture. If that’s too broad for you, we have a few suggestions. We are looking for pro/con pieces on the following topics. (Remember $pread magazine’s “Positions” column?) Tell us how you feel about:

Here are some broader themes we’re interested in exploring (as long as they are topical):

We also have an extensive list of movies, TV shows, documentaries and books that haven’t been reviewed. You can even write about a zine, a short story, an article, a podcast, a web series, a music video, or a study. Don’t have the time or inclination to write? Consider making a video blog (vlog), as we would love to start featuring vlogs on the site regularly. We also like our sex worker infographics if you have a trend you’ve been tracking. Work somewhere interesting? Tell us about convention season, what happens when Congress goes on vacation, or silly/antiquated local laws. And of course, there’s always Stripper Music Monday or letting your baller status animal companions do the talking. Remember, you can remain anonymous if you really want to blast your local hobbyist board or make confessions. Send your submissions and ideas to info at titsandsass dot com.

The Ten Most Popular Tits And Sass Posts of 2014

Faithfully bringing you media by and for sex workers since 2011. (Photo by Flickr user carterse, "Winston Retrieves The News")
Faithfully bringing you media by and for sex workers since 2011. (Photo by Flickr user carterse, “Winston Retrieves The News”)

1. “The Erasure of Maya Angelou’s Sex Work History,” by Peechington Marie, 5/29

2. “The Fifth Annual Vagina Beauty Pageant: A Judge’s Notes,” by Elle, 8/8

3. “Discussing Other People’s Lives: Social Work and Student Sex Workers,” by Annie O’Neill and Adrienne Graf, 4/11

4. “I Don’t Care About Clients,” by Olive Seraphim, 2/19

5. “Stop AB1576: Compulsory Condom Use Won’t Make Porn Performers Safer,” by Cyd Nova, 5/20

Check Out Our New Call For Contributions

comeoneWe are always seeking to add new writers to Tits and Sass, and to spur along contributions, we’ve put descriptions of what we’re looking for here. Check it out, and consider writing one of these for us. We rely on the volunteer work of the sex work community and would love to have more of you join us.


Naked Music Mondays

Cats and Stacks

Dear Tits and Sass (Work Q&A)

The Week In Links

Tourist Report Reports

Ask A Pro (Health Q&A)

Tools of the Trade/Tricks of the Trade

I Couldn’t Do It

Hall of Game

Hall of Shame/Enemies Spotlight

Activist Spotlight

Hooker Purse

My Sex Worker Role Model

Where I’m Going From Here

Email us at info at titsandsass dot com. We can’t wait to hear from you.


Don’t Forget: We’re Recruiting!

Val was so edgy.
Val was so edgy.

Here’s your reminder: Tits and Sass is searching for a co-editor. Are you the one? We will be accepting applications until June 1, 2014. We will have made our selection by July 1, 2014.

Potential candidates should:

– understand the fundamentals of journalism
– have a strong grasp of the English language
– be able to use Google Docs and WordPress
– have an interest in sex work and its reflections in pop culture
– be politically astute
– have at least ten hours a week to devout to the site
– be a sex worker
– know how to tap dance

We’re especially interested in non-white and/or non-cis applicants from outside the US.

And since we have your attention, please note that we’re also always looking for new contributors. Pitch us something! Got an almost-idea? We’ll help you turn it into a total-idea! We’re especially interested in book, television, and film reviews, coverage of local activist events, and commentary on current events. Contact us here or contact one of our editors on Twitter; Caty handles activist news and book reviews, Josephine is happy to talk about popular culture of all kinds, and Susan (fka Bubbles) wants to hear about policy and labor issues.

Call For Contributors

We here at Tits and Sass would love to expand our roster of smart and witty writers. If you’re interested in joining the team as a regular or occasional contributor, send a bio along with a completed post that could serve as your first post on the blog (500-800 words is a good length) and/or writing samples of your previous work to: info at titsandsass dot com. Please be sure to stipulate what name you’d like to use, what site or blog or Twitter account you’d like linked to, if any, and an image that can be used as a userpic. All disclosures of current or past sex work will be kept completely private.

Here are some regular features we’re always accepting reader submissions for:

Stripper Music Monday
Are you a strip club stripper? Consider contributing here. You could post a playlist with commentary, write about one specific song, review something new you think strippers would be into, talk about your all-time favorite stage set, about the music at your club if it’s different from what people think about when they think about “strip club music,” whatever you feel like doing. Maybe write a little about the atmosphere and clientele of the club and how that plays into your choices, how much freedom you have to play what you want, that sort of thing. But as long as it’s about the music you play at work, we’re happy! The rest is up to you.
Stripper Music Monday submissions should be sent to bubbles at titsandsass dot com

Stacks and Cats

See above for examples. Pictures of your cats (or dogs, or fish, or whatever) with your sex-work-earned cash. Just email us a photo with proper attribution.