
Home Money

Stacks & Cats

“I have noticed since Canada has made the new 50s and 100s my Gin Princess loves to smell them a lot more. She is a true pussy cash Princess,” says Ms Riley Daniels.

Sex workers, send us your pictures of your dogs and dollars or cats and stacks at

Stacks & Cats



Hi, I’m Clodia and I’m a call girl from New Zealand. I bought this stuffed cat just so I could participate in Cats & Stacks.

[this makes us incredibly happy, Clodia—T&S]

Sex workers, send us your pictures of your dogs and dollars or cats and stacks to Include the name you’d like us to use, what kind of work you do, and a link to your site if you’d like.

Cat With Stack Meets Dog with Dollars

Together at last! Rocket writes “My pets were jealous that Kat’s dog got a pic. They wanted to participate. Luckily, they are both lazy fucks, so picture taking was an easy endeavor.”


Sex workers, send us your pictures of your dogs and dollars or cats and stacks at 

Buyer’s Remorse and Intoxication at the Strip Club

by flickr4jazz, on Flickr

In the past few years there has been a rash of business men declining to pay their strip club credit card charges. For some unimaginable reason, a guy who racks up a $28,000 titty bar bill at New York’s Hustler Club doesn’t inspire a lot of sympathy. Are they victims of predatory vendors or are they morons with buyer’s remorse? Next to casinos, strip clubs are the businesses least likely to cut someone off as long as they are spending money. Of course, I’ve also known customers who take a pretty “law of the jungle” approach to their strip bar experiences—although usually for a few hundred to a couple thousand instead of $28K.

Journalists get too distracted by stripper-puns (“mammary mecca”? Really?) to provide us with a lot of facts, so I’m left with a few questions. What evidence does the club have that the customer knew what he was paying for? Did he sign for each round or only at the end of the night? How many drinks did he have? Did he have them all at the club? How drunk did he appear? And the obvious: Did he actually consume $28,000 in goods and services, or is that bill padded?

Dogs & Dollars

“So…about that new rhinestone collar, Mom…” […] “But MOOOM…you have rhinestone collars…”

Piper‘s kid, Raven, the Miniature Pinscher

Sex workers, send us your pictures of your dogs and dollars or cats and stacks at