
Home Money

Stacks & Cats


IMG_7563Hi there! I’m a stripper, nude model and porn blogger from Australia. It’s the end of the financial year down under and my cat Penny has been helping me do my taxes.

—Charlotte x

Sex workers, send us your pictures of your dogs and dollars or cats and stacks at

Bogus Research: Stop Forwarding That Story About How Ovulating Strippers Make More Money

Sex work seems to invite entertaining, original economic research. Wouldn’t it be interesting to quantify the change in income for a women who change careers to begin stripping? Or how much money dancers pay out to clubs? What do they do for the local economy? What kind of sales techniques are most effective for strippers? What marketing is effective for escorts in different markets and income brackets? What is the elasticity of demand for sex work?*

The first time I heard about the “Ovulating Strippers Make More Money!” study, I thought, “oh, that’s interesting! I wonder what they learned. So many strippers must have been studied.” But NO. Here’s the story: Two researchers at UNM in Albuquerque studied dancers for two months. They studied 18 dancers. In one club, in one city. For two cycles. There are so so many things to ask here. For instance, did ovulation coincide with the Pit hosting an NCAA tournament round? Since all the dancers were in one club, did they all work together often enough to have their cycles sync up, and did this perhaps amplify any effects ovulation or menstruation would have had?

Five Reasons Sex Workers File Their Damn Taxes

Schedule C and an example of a deductible expense.

1) Tax returns are the only proof of income you have if you’re self-employed and paid mostly, if not entirely, in cash.

2) It’s far better for the IRS to have your numbers to start with than to let them come up with their own.

3) If you get caught after not paying taxes for a number of years and get hit with a five-figure bill, it really sucks.

4) You become another person contradicting the stereotype of sex workers as tax cheats who don’t contribute to society.

5) It makes you (even more) morally superior to GE.

Stacks & Cats

photo(3)My cat Stalin decided to appropriate my meager earnings from a Tuesday night stripping in Brooklyn. Possibly for the purposes of fighting capitalism and building industry but probably because he knew it was the most inconvenient thing for him to decide to snuggle with at the moment—Shanlita Bandita

Sex workers, submit pictures of your furballs and funds here.

Stacks & Cats

Vanessa, a dancer in Texas, sent in this shot of Layla, who wouldn’t stop staring at her after-work haul: “She wanted it, so I made it rain on her.”

Sex workers, send us your pictures of your dogs and dollars or cats and stacks to Include the name you’d like us to use, what kind of work you do, and a link to your site if you’d like.