
Home Money

On Hustling

Obama really cares about all of you, especially the ones who paid $35,000 for a ticket to have dinner with him (AP Photo/Paul Sakuma)

It’s no secret that politicians are whores—they lie to make you feel good and appreciated, but are always out to make as much money off as many people as possible. So it turns out President Obama is visiting my hometown tonight and getting a bunch of wealthy businessmen to pay for the privilege of having dinner with him. Sound familiar? And don’t fancy escorts call themselves “dining companions” these days anyway? Obama’s not giving it up cheap though, with tickets ranging from $25 to $35,800.

Stacks & Cats Monday

It's hard to count singles when you don't have thumbs.

Dogs & Dollars

Austin dancer Danni/Michelle/Emily sends in this snapshot of the “guy on the couch’s dog.” Good work fetching!


Sex workers, send us your pictures of your dogs and dollars or cats and stacks at 

Dogs & Dollars

At eight weeks old, Beau Tie might not be fully house-trained, but Catherine’s made sure he has his priorities in order.

Sex workers, send us your pictures of your dogs and dollars or cats and stacks at 

Stacks & Cats

389001_10151643524363980_1968772419_nI’m Anise and I’m a full service sex worker. This is my kitteh Saskia, it was a lot harder than I anticipated to get her to stay still with the stack.

Sometimes I feel like money only comes in 2 colours, greens and yellows.

Sex workers, send us your pictures of your dogs and dollars or cats and stacks to Include the name you’d like us to use, what kind of work you do, and a link to your site if you’d like.