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Nicki Minaj lapdancing for Steve Nash

So this is a regular feature of Nicki Minaj’s stage show now, where she pulls some available local or celeb on stage for a lapdance, telling them, “Legs open, hands behind your back, mouth closed.” That phrase comes verbatim from a strip club bouncer or DJ, guaranteed. Here she is doing it for Lil Wayne. Here she is doing it for the troops.

On Hustling

Obama really cares about all of you, especially the ones who paid $35,000 for a ticket to have dinner with him (AP Photo/Paul Sakuma)

It’s no secret that politicians are whores—they lie to make you feel good and appreciated, but are always out to make as much money off as many people as possible. So it turns out President Obama is visiting my hometown tonight and getting a bunch of wealthy businessmen to pay for the privilege of having dinner with him. Sound familiar? And don’t fancy escorts call themselves “dining companions” these days anyway? Obama’s not giving it up cheap though, with tickets ranging from $25 to $35,800.

Blast From The Past: Striptease (1996)

Until several days ago, Striptease was a glaring oversight in my otherwise comprehensive history of sex work film viewing. I thought I should rectify that problem in light of my grousing about Demi Moore’s ham-handed anti-trafficking efforts, so I did. Sort-of. (Halfway through, I had to turn it off. It is unwatchably, un-fun-ly bad.)

Here are the highlights of what I saw before then. They should tell you everything you need to know:

CNN interviews Stacey Swimme from SWOP about Long Island killings

SWOP activist Stacy Swimme was interviewed for this CNN segment that discusses the greater precautions sex workers are taking while the Long Island killer is still at large.

Other Long Island killer news:

Call for amnesty for Long Island sex workers on the Red Umbrella Project

SWOP/SWANK statement about the murders

Stripper Music Monday: Stripper POV Songs

Normally Stripper Music Monday is about music strippers dance to, but today’s features music by actual strippers from a stripper’s point of view. When a lady has her stacks and bought studio time, it’s natural that she’ll sing about what she knows. Here are some of the results.