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Funeral Strippers?

I never knew about the phenomenon of strippers performing as part of funeral processions in certain parts of Taiwan until I heard about a new documentary, Dancing for the Dead: Funeral Strippers in Taiwan. There is an interesting interview with its creator, Marc L. Moskowitz, on io9. I’ve encountered many grieving men whose first stop after a funeral service was the strip club, so as strange as this tradition strikes me, I’m almost not surprised to learn about grief and strippers being consolidated. The whole concept also kind of reminds me of a New Orleans jazz funeral. Not to mention, those of us who have ever worked a day shift basically have danced for the dead. Stay tuned in the coming weeks for a full review of the documentary.

Stacks & Cats

It’s a Stacks & Cats first! Thanks to Starlet Harlot, we now have this amazing video to add to the annals of pets with money. Starlet writes:

This is my chocolate-point siamese princess, Angilie, with a bit over a grand worth of Australian hooker money. Angilie was in heat when this photo was taken and would NOT sit still, she was so occupied in rapturously rolling over and over in the stack of money—hmmmm, much like her mama does!! I think Angilie would love to be a little hooker kitty.
Sex workers, send us your pictures of your dogs and dollars or cats and stacks at

MTV’s True Life Confirms that Sugarbabydom is a Hassle

The popularity of the sugar baby/sugar daddy relationship in the media is a bit of a recession phenomenon. It’s a grey-area of sex work lite that women with no experience in the sex industry can dip their toes into before they realize that if something sounds too good to be true, it is. The odds of finding an asexual millionaire benefactor are not good, but that won’t stop those with student loans or retail addictions from signing up on sites like Seeking Arrangement, Sugar Daddy For Me, Whats Your Price, and the like. MTV’s True Life follows twenty-one year-olds GG and Olivia, and twenty-two year-old Steve on their quests for financial dependence. Despite silly narration like, “They’re willing to ignore their hearts for the Benjamins,” I thought this was an accurate portrayal of what happens when young laypeople make an attempt at dancing the tango of conflicting interests.

Stripper Music Monday: Porcelain Raft, “The Way Out”

thewayoutA friend sent me this video last week, rightly pegging it as relevant to my interests. The song is “The Way Out” by Porcelain Raft, the performing name of multi-instrumentalist Mauro Remiddi. It is expansive and atmospheric electronic pop that might be a little too downbeat for a packed club but, as in the video, a perfect track for a quiet afternoon shift. The video stars a very capable pole dancer, employs an elegant one-shot format, and has a subdued mood. It’s more Exotica than Showgirls. Its events threatened to upset me, but the story has a satisfyingly dark conclusion. I reached out to director Michael Lawrence to ask him about his process. Watch the video and read our Q&A below.

That’s Not A Real Doctor: VICE’s Buttloads of Pain Investigates the Butt Shot Underground

via flickr user panavatar
via flickr user panavatar

VICE sent a reporter to Florida to report on the ass shot underground, where not-doctors inject everything from Fix-A-Flat to mineral oil into the buttocks of those seeking a bigger booty. Last week the accompanying documentary debuted online, and it’s worth watching, but be warned that the images of procedures-gone-wrong are horrifying. Reporter Wilbert Cooper talks to Miami-area plastic surgeons and follows Corey Eubanks, who is on probation for charges related to an association with Oneal Ron Morris, “The Duchess,” who had one of her clients die from complications from injections (there is some misgendering of Morris at the beginning of the documentary when Cooper is speaking with a detective about the case). There’s a segment in famous Miami strip club King of Diamonds where Cooper interviews dancers about their procedures and one dancer tells him that she estimates 75% of her coworkers have had some kind of ass augmentation.