
Home Money

Cat With Stack Meets Dog with Dollars

Together at last! Rocket writes “My pets were jealous that Kat’s dog got a pic. They wanted to participate. Luckily, they are both lazy fucks, so picture taking was an easy endeavor.”


Sex workers, send us your pictures of your dogs and dollars or cats and stacks at 

Dogs & Dollars

Dancer Emma’s pup NeeNee says “I only work here to pay my tuition!” Obedience school is expensive.

Sex workers, send us your pictures of your dogs and dollars or cats and stacks at 

Strip Club Owners: Pay Your Damn Taxes, Pt 3

Rick Rizzolo blows all the other tax-evading strip club owners of America out of the water. Not only did he lose a strip club valued at $35 million at the time of its seizure, but he flagrantly violated his parole, maintained offshore accounts, and failed to pay the damages he owed a man paralyzed at the hands of CH2 security. Titanium balls, this guy has. Last month, a judge sent the former Crazy Horse Too owner back to jail. Rizzolo’s Mercedes was seized and his stepmother is being sued.

Dogs & Dollars

Kat says, “Good dog!” Now he’s probably headed to the bank, the groomer, the overpriced boutique pet store, and the park.


Sex workers, send us your pictures of your dogs and dollars or cats and stacks at 

Stacks & Cats Monday

As a pornographer and cam ho, I don’t deal in cash the way other sex workers do.  I just get boring checks and wire transfers like some kind of grown up with an office job.  When I withdrew cash at the bank for a trip, I had to get a photo of some of my earnings with my life partner/pimp/BFF, Mr. Mouse.Furry Girl