Home The Week in Links The Week In Links: March 2

The Week In Links: March 2

Diablo Cody appeared on Marc Maron’s WTF podcast last week, and guess what? She used to be a stripper!

The Mayor Pro Tem and city manager of a small New Mexico town were arrested for attempting to blackmail a mayoral candidate after sending a stripper to dance for him and secretly videotaping them. I can’t decide if this is out of Breaking Bad or South Park.

Miami strip club Tootsie’s is being sued for sending hundreds of spam text messages to customers.

Stephen Hawking likes to get his freak on at strip clubs and swingers’ gatherings. Proving that sometimes customers really are geniuses.

Dominique Strauss-Kahn was questioned by French officials in the course of an investigation into a prostitution ring. DSK’s attorney acknowledged his client attended events where prostitutes may have been present, but said “He could easily not have known, because as you can imagine, at these kinds of parties you’re not always dressed, and I challenge you to distinguish a naked prostitute from any other naked woman.”

Portland, OR lingerie modeling studio owner Ben Cunningham, who has allegedly employed underage girls, attempted to register his business as a religious organization.

Suzy Hooker is a collective byline.


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