Friday is Valentine’s Day, that special day wherein we celebrate patriarchal norms and reinforce insulting gender stereotypes with rampant consumerism.
So romantic.
Valentine’s Day is one of the those special “off” days that happen every-so-often in the strip club. Working the night of one these off days is never business-as-usual—it’s usually, business-as-oh-my-God-did-that-just-happen. The day of Cupid falls on a Friday this year, and there’s going to be a full moon.
Hey, guys, remember our friend Alice Schwarzer? The German “feminist” who is vehemently anti-sex work. Yeah, well, turns out she was hiding a lot of her money in a Swiss bank account and she got BUSTED! Schadenfreude.
This could easily be the coolest field trip ever. Wouldn’t it be fun to pay a visit to the Red Light Secrets museum, an educational museum about sex work?
Oh, hell yes. Male escorts and porn workers will compete on Saturday to be crowned Mr. Florida. The contest is a preliminary to the Hookies and serves to fight myth and stigma surrounding sex work.
Can you smell what The Rock is cookin’? And question what The Rock is readin‘?
This Cosmopolitan writer epiphanizes that not all porn workers stay fit and attractive by having “coke-fueled orgies and plastic surgery.” Apparently, they do something called, “exercise.” WELL, whaddya know?
Justin Trudeau, Canadian Liberal Party leader, prince of Morgan’s heart, and…whorephobe? (Photo by Sean Kilpatrick via the Canadian Press)
Dear Prime Minister Dreamy (AKA Justin Trudeau),
It’s ok that I call you Prime Minister Dreamy, right? I know that you’re not Prime Minister yet, but I think we feel close enough that I can call you by pet names, because, as I’m sure you remember, we almost met twice.
I’m writing to your eminent good-lookingness in regards to a variety of comments you made these past few weeks on a subject near and dear to my own heart, the legal status of sex work in Canada. We should go through a short recap of events leading up to your comments, just to make sure we’re on the same page before we get to the climax of my letter.
I’ve been following your non-threatening boyish good looks, boxing matches with Conservative politicians, and targeting of the gay vote for some time now with rapt attention. So, of course I was curious about what your response would be to the Supreme Court of Canada’s brilliant decision in the Bedford v. Canada case this past December that unanimously struck down three key passages in the Canadian Criminal Code around sex work. I’m sure you’re very busy campaigning while maintaining such perfectly sculpted hair, so I’ll just remind you that these three passages are:
Tune in here on Tuesday, February 4th at 5:30 p.m. EST/2:30 p.m. PST for our interview with Monica Jones.
Watch the archived interview below! The sound quality improves as it goes on, Bubbles had a learning curve in audio engineering. Beside Monica is Jaclyn Moskal-Dairman of SWOP-Phoenix, present at Monica’s request. You can read Caty’s interview with her here. And here is Bubbles’ interview with Jordan Flaherty about his work covering Project ROSE.
For more information on Monica’s case, visit SWOP-Phoenix.
Fumblerooskie, pig skin, Hail Mary, OMAHAAAA! Are you rooting for the Seahawks or the Broncos? (image by USA Today Sports Images, via
Thank the gods that the Super Bowl is this Sunday. We can say goodbye to another year’s worth of trafficking/stripping/sex work stories related to the Big Game. But first, some gems from the last week:
PolicyMic contributor (and daughter of Jamie, CEO of JP Morgan Chase) Laura Dimon basically rewrote every Super Bowl trafficking story ever. Then a reporter from the Dallas Morning News showed up in the comments to tell her she was wrong, and an editor’s note was posted stating that erroneous information had been changed. But there’s still plenty in there!
The NYPD have already made almost 300 prostitution-related arrests because, of course, the Super Bowl equals human trafficking equals let’s arrest lots of people. The founder of the non-profit Girls Educational and Mentoring Services says that the focus on human trafficking surrounding the Super Bowl may actually be hurting victims, not helping them.
Tits and Sass co-editor Susan debunks the myth of the influx of sex trafficking during the Super Bowl in this fantastic piece for Sports On Earth.
The Super Bowl Media Day got a little a weird. This query was lobbed at Seattle Seahawk Richard Sherman: “…All of you football guys going into the strip clubs, and throwing… raining down on these strippers. I think that’s a bad example for our young ladies. How can we stop that? I think it’s a bad example that we’re setting for our young girls that they need to be strippers.” Tits and Sass would like to remind reporters that strippers do not think these footballers are setting bad examples. Strippers actually love it when wealthy football players give them money.
Plus, strippers are athletes! This Vocativ article talks to dancers preparing for Super Bowl crowds about injuries, conditioning, and the physical demands of working a big game weekend.
Here’s a profile of a stripper in her 40s who’s looking forward to working the Super Bowl crowds at none other than the Bada Bing, aka Satin Dolls in Lodi, NJ. It’s a pretty cute profile and we hope she banks! We’d buy a dance.