Hey hey,
I’m Ali, an escort and masseuse in Minnesota. This is my pit bull, Piggy, posing proudly with his mama’s fat stacks o’ cash. This is a week’s haul—enough for the first month’s rent and pet deposit on the apartment of my dreams. Love you, T&S!
You might recognize this sentiment: the sex workers’ rights movement is funded by “the industry.” We are “the pimp lobby,” whether we’ve ever been in any sort of management role ourselves or not, let alone whether we’ve abused or exploited other workers. You might think it’s pretty easy to laugh at that sort of thing, but if you’ve ever spent any time going through the e-mails that sex workers’ rights organizations receive, you’ll hear a lot of this, even from people and organizations who are sympathetic. They’ll make assumptions about “staff”—”we want to meet your staff”—or they want to meet in “your office.” There are people who try to chat you up about nonprofit careers at events, thinking you have jobs to offer them. And so on. It would be funny if it weren’t so frustrating, and if people with nasty motives didn’t use these assumptions against us.
It’s human to overestimate the resources of others and to underestimate one’s own. But let’s have some real talk.
Management doesn’t want to fund the sex workers rights movement. They do not have an interest in our vision for social change beyond issues of their own legality. Don’t believe me? This is management in action, or more specifically, strip club managers in action, allying themselves with anti-trafficking organizations.Management-directed organizations want to cover their own asses and reap benefits from the REAL money spigot, the anti-trafficking movement, of the “End Demand” variety, funded by former ambassador and current filthy rich lady Swanee Hunt. You’d see the same from escort agencies if they were legal, and you already do see the same from the legal Nevada brothel industry. As it is, some of the individuals in sex work management give us mild, conditional support, sort of the same way clients do. You know the story—they have many more demands than they do contributions. I have never seen any of them donate money.
Radfems, the “pimp lobby” is pretty firmly on YOUR side on this one.
Somaly Mam steps down a week after Newsweek officially revealed what inquiring journalists had long known: Mam fabricated her past as a trafficked woman and paid other women and girls to tell juicy lies to the public. Newsweek covered Mam’s resignation as well, but Anne Elizabeth Moore asks the questions Newsweek skipped over at Salon.
Sex workers protested the auction house Strauss & Co after an employee commented that the murder charges against Zwelethu Mthethwa, who is about to go on trial for murdering a 23 year-old sex worker, could really increase the value of his art. Strauss & Co kept it classy with a belated apology.
I don’t have any pets, but I just followed a couple weeks of last-minute cancellations and barely earning enough to cover the hotel with my best incall to date and I wanted to celebrate.
I’m Valerie, an escort and pro-sub, and this is T-Rex.
Tits and Sass strongly believes in a policy of harm reduction and education. We want nothing more than for our readers to be happy and safe from harm. Thusly, we are pleased to introduce a new advice columnist: Ms. Harm Reduction. She’s here to answer your questions about, well, just about anything in an anonymous and shame-free way. Do you have a question about drug use, sex, your personal life, work—or anything else? Do you have a query for Ms. Harm Reduction? Send them to info@titsandsass.com.
Dear Ms. Harm Reduction,
I’m a stripper who enjoys her work and likes to party. I’ve noticed many of my workmates have been indulging in the latest MDMA party drug, Molly. How do I safely use Molly while I work?
Best, Desperately Desiring Molly
Dear DDM,
Ms. Harm Reduction has to wonder why you would choose to do your hard-earned MDMA among the ruffians we call our customers. Wouldn’t you rather enjoy your drugs in the company of your bosom companions, in the privacy of some psychedelic boudoir somewhere? However, if you’ve set your ecdysiast heart on E at the club, we do have some pointers for you.