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Stripper Music Monday: New Synth-Pop Edition

Playing all or any of these songs has resulted in at least one customer per set asking me which 80s band was responsible. “Need You Now” in particular always makes me imagine some sort of John Hughes movie montage. Play these and confuse your 40-to-50-year-old customers!

Jiz by Any Other Name . . .

Jiz Lee, shot by Courtney Trouble for KarmaPervs.com

I agonized over the title of this piece for a little too long. I came up with about a dozen puns involving the name Jiz, but they all came out far too nasty-sounding for such a classy and upstanding media outlet as Tits and Sass. So, without further ado and no dirty puns, meet genderqueer porn star Jiz Lee.

June is a busy month for Jiz (man, this is all still sounding raunchy, isn’t it?), who is performing this weekend at OP Magazine‘s Trans March after party and Courtney Trouble’s annual pride party, Queerly Beloved, on Pride Sunday. You can get another hot load of Jiz next week, as the co-curator of This Is What I Want, an art show all about the intersection of sex and performance. The festival features a few other San Francisco sex worker superstars, like Michelle Tea, and is a part of the larger National Queer Arts Festival.

Jiz also just finished shooting (ohhh, yeah!) in Cheryl Dunye’s upcoming film, Mommy is Coming, and an engagement with Annie Sprinkle and Beth Stephens at their Ecosexual Symposium last week. If you’ll miss the star in person, you can get some more Jiz all up in your face at the site KarmaPervs.com, described as a “philanthropic porn fundraiser,” full of hot exclusive photos all in the name of charity.

The Week In Links: June 17

Wee, stripper gifs!

Lots of articles coming out of Canada this week, as Ontario’s highest court considers an appeal that could legalize a variety of activities related to sex work. Read more at The Vancouver Sun (“This is ethically unsound – no government should be able to jeopardize the safety of its citizens just to send a message”) and The National Post.

A comprehensive article on missing New Jersey sex worker Shannan Gilbert, whose disappearance led to the uncovering of the bodies buried on Long Island.

In California, evidence is mounting that Joseph Naso murdered four prostitutes.

Who’s Your Daddy?

Clip art of a gay-for-pay hooker/dad. Obviously! Thanks ClipArtHeaven.com.

The struggling single mom is a common cliche in our industry, but meeting men who choose sex work to support their families is pretty uncommon. Father’s Day is this weekend, so I figured it was time to give sex worker daddies, however few there may be, their due respect.

“Randall” is a gay-for-pay sex worker and a single dad, working and raising a junior high age daughter in California. He chatted with me about his work and what it’s like raising a kid when your lifestyle’s a bit on the unconventional side.

So what do you do exactly?

My jobs are somewhat similar to what you would imagine a dominatrix does.  I looked it up once, a Dominatrix is actually, technically, a female. So I suppose I am a “Dominator”, but that gender distinction would be lost and sound really silly in an advertisement, huh? I also never wear the leather outfits or use any of the other cliche props that pop culture shows dominatrices employing. I just roll up a newspaper when it’s time for a spanking.  I have some other clients that I guess you could say I give the “Boyfriend Experience” to, but it’s quite a bit different from my female colleagues.  I am a straight guy and I  market myself that way. Being straight serves as a “forbidden fruit” sort of selling tool, and also protects me from the issues so many female sex workers tell me they deal with—like the ubiquitous delusional client thinking I’m going to fall in love and run away with him. And many clients tell me I am one of the few genuinely straight guys in this niche market.  I have been honing my craft for almost eight years now and have been topping my way to the top ever since.