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100 Years Of Sex!

This site from the San Francisco City Clinic is chock full of sexy sex stuff for you to peruse and fall in love with/hate. This includes polls on Best Porn Films and even Best STD Reference in A Film, and a contest for the Best Sex Poster in the past 100 Years, with examples that are sometimes awesome and sometimes kind of hateful (the numerous “Prostitutes Spread Disease” examples). These all seem like things we need to be abreast of, just saying. Examples of awesome hatefulness include the picture to the left.

Because, well, if someone was accusing me sight unseen of having V.D. I’d probably pose like that too…before pouncing on them like a jungle cat. What kind of statistic is that though?  4 out of 5? Really? Did you just poll the bar on the way to work?

New T&S Comment Policy: Don’t Be Obtuse

This is an appropriate way to give a stripper dollars.

Hi, Tits and Sass readers! We have had really good luck with our site comments so far. Aside from a few notes about how we should understand that dead hooker jokes are a necessary and funny part of modern humor, we haven’t received too many comments that suggest we all deserve physical harm for being sex workers.

Note that I said “too many,” not “none.” We got a couple that were either purposefully, trollishly obtuse or simply clueless on Elle’s Slutwalk post, and while we’ve had an informal policy of approving almost all comments, we figured now would be a good time to lay out some formal guidelines. It’s also a good time to, well, address this dude on his own terms. Do you really want to argue with us? Fine! We’ll get a professional arguer to deal with this for us. Please welcome Irony Butterfly to our pages.

—Bubbles Burbujas

Just A Regular Day in the Park…

I have a policy that fetish play is just that, play, and as such I am loathe to take it into the public eye. This policy exists for a few reasons, the most important being that I hate when people push their shit on me, so I’m not going to push mine on them. I get grossed out by overly lovey couples, religious zealots, and the lot. Walking a slave on a leash in the middle of Downtown Dallas would be right along those lines as far as I’m concerned.

Having said all that, it is pretty hilarious. I imagine that there are submissives wanking to this as I type, so many people have that “In Public” fetish. Most of them are too chickenshit to go through with it though, so I admire this guy’s bravery. He isn’t even wearing a costume!

The Best TV Prostitute Ever

Chances are that since you’re reading this site, you’re already cool enough to know that Arrested Development was one of the greatest TV shows of all time. A big reason for that was their “Family Ties” episode which featured a high end escort named Nellie, played by Justine Bateman. As with every episode, there are tons of in-jokes and funny plot lines but we’re going to stick with discussing the strictly sex work aspects and Nellie’s all-around awesomeness.

Let’s start with presentation. Nellie is impeccably clad in sexy, elegant dresses without any gauche hallmarks of conspicuous consumption; she looks like a beautiful businesswoman during after work hours. (Indeed, we eventually find out that she started escorting because of her business school loans.) She’s not blonde, doesn’t bare generous amounts of cleavage, or conduct herself in an embarrassingly transparent manner while in public. In other words, she’s barely a recognizable TV prostitute at all. She’s articulate, dignified, unpretentious, and capable. By the end of the episode, she’ll have triumphed over everyone’s uncharitable assumptions and saved the day.

The Week In Links: June 24

“March of the Whores”—Mexico’s response to Slutwalk—recently took place in Mexico City.

A Missouri police officer has been found guilty of a conspiracy to steal from suspected prostitutes. (Last year, a St. Louis police officer pled guilty to similar charges of habitually sexually assaulting and robbing prostitutes.)

Joseph Naso’s trial becomes increasingly disturbing.

A man who brutally beat and choked his prostitute was exempt from any criminal sentencing because the judge ruled he committed those acts while asleep.

Massachusetts is poised to stiffen penalties for pimps.

An escort/client message board was infiltrated by law enforcement (though it is still online and probably monitored) and police have arrested a Fairleigh Dickinson University physics professor for running the site. The media keeps inaccurately reporting him as having run a “ring,” making it sounds like he’s a pimp, but the website was only a message board and therefore just a hub; he was providing the forum but not taking a cut of anyone’s fees.

A WWII movie just wrapped, about Chinese sex workers volunteering to take the place of university students who would have otherwise become comfort women.

Thrillist sells Groupon-style discount packages for a steak, a drink, and a lapdance at Scores in Manhattan.

The Texas pole tax went up for amendment.

The Supreme Court has ruled against the estate of Anna Nicole Smith.