A Sydney sex worker was set alight with petrol by two men. One of her attackers has just been sentenced to only three years in jail. S Kim suffered burns to 45% of her body and her face, and her top lip had to be partially removed. As a result of being outed by articles about the attack, she has lost friends and support. A former client of Kim’s began fundraising towards her medical costs. You can join him using this information: BSB: 062 016 ACCT NUMBER: 1075 6113 Name: S Kim
Two transgender sex workers have been murdered in Baltimore in the past two months, and the police say there were similarities between the murders.
The mayor of Surabaya is monitoring the Dolly district—which has been the scene of ongoing protests over her attempts to curtail sex work by evicting sex workers and closing down the area—through CCTV cameras. Not unlike some club owners I know.
Though Amanda Goff says that her children will not be affected by her decision to write a memoir about her work as an escort, the Australian Herald Sun begs to differ, and worries greatly about the potential horrific effects this choice will have on her children, all the while vocally supporting her agency and empowerment. It’s a wild ride.
I knew there was something shady about the survival of all those bikini barista drive-thrus! The owner of one chain, Java Juggs, has it doubling as a brothel/money laundering operation! Sounds chilly for the employees.
Ruth Jacobs interviewed PJ Starr about No Human Involved, her documentary about street worker Marcia Powell’s death while arrested and kept in a cage in the Arizona heat.
This new study about the economics of sex work in Singapore looks interesting, although, as Vanessa Ho points out,
“I do not find that the research helps us in solving issues such as sex trafficking or general labour exploitation in the industry.”
Sex workers in Cape Town, South Africa gathered to mourn murdered coworkers and friends; they say that they see decriminalization as the best way to ensure their ongoing safety.
“People do whatever they want because they know we’re not going to report it.”
They say they will continue raising awareness about sex workers’ human rights and their demand for decriminalization.
PBS NewsHour interviewed LGBT and sex working Ugandans about how they approach HIV prevention in an atmosphere of such stigma and repression.
New financial restrictions for bankers in Zurich are affecting sex workers, speculates Bloomberg, pointing out that the culture of Zurich is changing as there is a backlash against bankers and their bonuses, symbolized by hipster and techno bars replacing strip clubs and brothels, the traditional venues of Longstrasse.
Speaking of Zurich, though the sex boxes [linked last week] have been deemed successful, they cost more than expected. Doesn’t everything?
Sex workers and transgender people were able to vote in local elections in Mumbai this year, but are still waiting on other basic rights while also now becoming the focus of state schemes for rehabilitation.
A sexual assault resource center in Victoria, Canada, has come out in favour of decriminalization.
After being evicted in July, sex workers have begun to return to the Kandapara brothel.
The Caribbean Sex Workers Coalition is encouraging Bajan sex workers to come to the Caribbean workshop for sex workers, happening in Guyana in October. Sex workers from across the Caribbean are already booked for the conference, which will have workshops about rights in their home countries, harm reduction and safety practices, and canvassing for decriminalization.
Public health workers in India worry after a new government merger changes the structure of HIV policies and programs, potentially altering life saving harm reduction programs specifically targeted to at-risk and marginalized populations.
I read this headline last year, and maybe even the year before, and here it is again: the yearly handwringing over sex workers and North Dakota oil workers is back! Not much different thematically from worries over the Superbowl, RNC, or World Cup, only this time with oil.
Sydney sex workers are protesting their exclusion from a panel on the global sex industry called “Women For Sale.” Though with a title like that it’s obvious the panelists have their finger on the pulse of the global sex industry, the local sex workers handed out info pamphlets and stood with a sign pointing out the apparently necessary, “I am a sex worker. I am not for sale.”
The Arab region has the fastest growing rate of HIV, and one of the most vulnerable populations is, of course, sex workers, located as they are at the nexus of several marginalized identities.
In this bizarrely factless article an unnamed agency is accused of sending an unnamed kpop girl group to work at a (named) escort agency to raise money for their debut. The girls then kept working, because who doesn’t like making “$360,00 a year”?