The prostitution crackdown in the Guangdong Province of China will continue; 363 suspects have already been detained.
Strange news out of San Francisco last week as the faith-based sex workers’ outreach Solace SF was closed under allegations of fraud against founder Laura Lasky.
Canadian sex worker Celine Bisette acknowledges that Canada has done a terrific job asking the community at large how to re-write sex work laws and a terrible job asking actual sex workers how to re-write sex work laws.
This shouldn’t be a world first, but it is: a New Zealand sex worker has won a landmark sexual harassment case against her former employer, a Wellington brothel owner.
What’s not to love about Janet Mock? This is the woman that stuck it to the first tuberous vegetable to host a cable news show – Piers Morgan – in the most epic way possible. Here, Dr. Brooke Magnanti interviews Mock, amongst other things, about her sensationalized past as a sex worker.
Some Spanish feminists are pissed off about the Asociación de Profesionales del Sexo “intro to prostitution” class, offered in response to the growing number of women turning to sex work in Spain’s economic crisis. Of course, leaving inexperienced sex workers without the skills to manage the risks of their job is obviously the feminist solution.
In honor of International Sex Workers’ Rights Day this week, sex workers in Bangladesh formed a human chain in front of the Jatiya Press Club on Monday to realize their demands.
Contribute to this indiegogo campaign to send two members of SWOP-Phoenix and the Best Practices Policy Project to Geneva to educate the U.N. about human rights violations perpetrated by Arizona State University diversion program Project ROSE and the Phoenix police and the framing of sex workers’ rights activist Monica Jones for “manifestation of prostitution.”
Duke University Porn Star Belle Knox outed herself in a piece in xojane, discussing the death threats she’s received recently and the police’s refusal to take them seriously.
Sex work human rights activist Alejandra Gil has been arrested. The Network of Human Sex Work Projects’ official statement can be read here.
Ruth Jacobs continues to impress us with this interview with Meg Munoz, ex sex worker and trafficking survivor, about how anti-trafficking organizations need to ally themselves with sex workers’ rights groups in support of decriminalization: “[Y]ou can’t trash an entire industry, and demonize those working in it, then offer them mascara, a cupcake, a Bible or diversion and expect them to trust or come to you when they hit a snag in the road.”
UK MPs consider adopting the Nordic model; Professor Belinda Brooks-Gordon calls it “sexual McCarthyism.”
An impoverished Cambodian mother sent her two daughters to the Brisbane-based Citipointe Church She Rescue Home – a shelter for girls considered “at risk” or vicitims of rape and/or trafficking. Her finances have stabilized and for the past five year she has tried to retrieve her daughters with the help of an Australian film maker. The film maker, James Ricketson, is now getting charged under an anti-human trafficking law.
Hunts Point strip clubs are being shut down by having their liquor licenses revoked and the Times is on it.
“…it gets so exhausting to essentially give up my personhood the minute people find out I’m a sex worker.” This sex worker is sick of lying to avoid getting boxed into tired stereotypes.
South African news site IOL does a nice profile on sex workers’ rights organization Sisonke, their call for decriminalization, their work against the use of condoms as evidence, and their march to Durban City Hall on International Sex Workers’ Rights Day on Tuesday.
“This Is How Bangbros Made A Porno Featuring A 15-Year-Old Beauty Queen And A Murderer.” Enough said.
Siouxsie Q covers the 2014 Abolitionist Awards and Panel to End Demand (as well as the sex worker protest outside its doors) in her SF Weekly column.
The All India Network of Sex Workers asked the Election Commission to register all the communities they represent as voters, and also urged political parties to clarify their stand on pension rights for sex workers: “Bharati Dey, president of the collective, said that despite sex workers being the sole earning member of a woman-headed family, they live without any social entitlements and security.”
A career stripper writes for Salon about the perils of honestly answering “What do you do for a living?”
Louisiana sex workers’ rights organization Women With a Vision observes that news reports continue to incorrectly link increased sex trafficking to large New Orleans events.