More from Vice on why the closure of MyRedbook is dangerous for sex workers.
Tech Savvy Sex Workers Trade Pimps For Web Pages: despite the cringe-inducing title the article is actually a pretty good look at class stratification among sex workers and the safety offered by internet advertising.
Sex worker advocate Ye Haiyan has been barred from leaving China to attend the World AIDS Summit. This is not the first time Haiyan has been persecuted by the government in her decade of sex work activism, but it is part of a new and larger crackdown against sex work.
25 sex workers were killed in Baghdad this week when a gunman attacked a residential building, leaving behind graffiti that read, “This is the fate of any prostitution.
How the Financial Sector Makes Sex Workers Lives Miserable: the recent closure of porn performers’ bank accounts isn’t the first time the financial sector has worked against sex workers; it’s part of a systemic problem called whorephobia.
[T]he officers not only violated the dancers’ right to be free from unreasonable searches, but also the Anti-Paparazzi Law which says you cannot hold a person against their will and take their picture.
“Sisonke recognizes that decriminalizing sex work is an incredibly important step to reducing HIV infection among sex workers and their clients, which adheres to national goals for ‘Zero new infections, Zero AIDS-related deaths and Zero discrimination’ by 2016′,” Tosh Legoreng.
England’s 2013 Sex Worker of the Year is moving to London after being evicted from her home in Devon. Charlotte Rose, who took part in Rupert Everett’s series Love For Sale, will also be performing in Sex Workers’ Opera and, she hopes, changing cultural attitudes around sex and sex work. Same, Charlotte, same.
Officious housewife acts on emotion, disrupts street workers’ business: Jennifer Adams wants sex workers out of her neighborhood; to that end she’s taken to standing on street corners with her Great Dane and a sign that says “PLEASE ARREST JOHNS.” Despite the fact that the reporter apparentlyalso talked to Sex Workers Action Network and Planned Parenthood, Adams and her tribulations (she had a cd thrown at her!) are the bulk of the article.