Not-quite-strippers in Saskatchewan find a way around the laws against dancing for alcohol drinking patrons.
The Scarlet Alliance’s Elena Jeffreys explains why feminists should listen to sex workers.
Des Moines police have arrested two people, a man and a woman, for the brutal murder of a prostitute in 2010, while Liverpool police may have solved the 2005 murder of a sex working mother.
In Ghana, a prostitute was stabbed to death by a client. The news coverage ends with the vile recommendation that police renew activities around prosecuting sex workers.
New Delhi sex workers respond to Slutwalk: “We dress provocatively for work and are paraded in front of men every day. What will this walk achieve for us?” Meanwhile, New Delhi jailers were caught hiring prostitutes to come to their work premises and provide services while they were on duty.
Kat wrote about what really goes on at bachelor parties, and it should pretty much clear up any confusion created by this Marie Claire piece.
A popular commercial sex site in Uganda has seen rates of HIV infection rise dramatically. There’s also new findings that condom use is on the decline among sex workers in Belize. Thailand is beginning to address the disparity between safer sex education and services between male and female sex workers. And in this compassionate article, a Texas sex worker talks about living life as a former prisoner and HIV-positive trans woman.
Columbia prostitutes are uniting to stand against child prostitution.
South Carolina governor Nikki Haley may have used campaign funds to reimburse herself for a visit to Chicago’s VIP strip club in 2008.
The former Rick’s (not connected to the chain) strip club in Seattle, seized by the feds in the Colacurcio bust, will be auctioned off. “Gone are the ‘high backed’ booths, which have been destroyed because of their connection to illicit activity.”
Man charged with sexual battery for assaulting a stripper in Charlotte, NC.
Sec. of State Clinton is in favor of meeting with sex workers.
Some Sydney dwellers are vigorously protesting the placement of a sex worker outreach center in their neighborhood, in part because many of the workers are homeless and therefore not “residents.”
In what sounds like an absolutely rollicking Zimbabwean play, sex workers are depicted as raping men in order to sell their sperm.
Oakland is poised to start sending letters about prostitution to the registered addresses of cars seen in common street work areas, no arrest required.
British Columbia sex workers need to be provided with legal counsel if they are to collaborate with police investigations into missing and murdered prostitutes. Elsewhere in Canada, a man in Halifax stands trial for attempting to kill one prostitute as he is simultaneously being charged with the murder of another.
Why are violent video games protected speech with regard to minors when porn isn’t?
MyStyle.com claims that Mary J. Blige wore a “dominatrix dress” to the BET Awards. We’re betting the editors of MyStyle.com have not visited a dominatrix recently. Who would give a spanking in white Herve Leger?
Houston strip club Michael’s International is being sued by the EEOC for allegedy telling African-American waitresses and dancers to hide when the club’s owner visited.