The Christian crusade against pornography addiction wages on, as pastors are bringing up sex more regularly during services. According to a CNN article published this week, modern pastors are concerned porn will lead “to a lack of intimacy in marriage, threatening the biblical mandate to get and stay married.”
PETA announced plans to launch www.peta.xxx, a site that will offer pornographic movies side-by-side with films about animal mistreatment.
Bubbles takes on the anti-stripper message of Weezy’s latest video, “How to Love.”
A Toronto paper published a tribute to recently deceased sex work activist Wendy Babcock.
Apparently, not everyone loves vagina pageants as much as Kat and our readership. Meanwhile, mainstream porn is getting blamed for the rise of labiaplasty.
The Huffington Post refutes some of the myths of human trafficking that seem to be a national obsession lately.
Steven Soderbergh’s male stripper movie adds True Blood werewolf Joe Manganiello to its cast of hotties.
Hey look, it’s Steve Agee as a porn director!
Missouri Lt. Governor Peter Kinder’s poll numbers drop after news breaks that he used to be a creepy PL.
Famed sex writer Rachel Kramer Bussel came out about her hoarding problem in a Salon.com article.
A court recently ruled that dancers at Sapphire in Las Vegas are not employees under Nevada wage laws.
Tracy Quan reviews Special Treatment.
Portland, Ore., famous for having the most strip clubs per capita, also topped a new list of the most promiscuous American cities. Seattle came in at number two, securing the Pacific Northwest’s reputation as the place to go for a good time (despite the region’s other reputations for gloomy weather and high suicide rates). Also check out the list of cities with the most cheaters, topped, interestingly, by Portland, Maine.
The rise of pole dancing’s popularity is “threatening the moral fabric” of Uganda.
Australian sex workers respond to feminists’ concerns about their work, addressing shoddy research, unfair stereotypes, police abuse and the implied misogyny of a blindly anti-sex work platform.
Rumors are circulating that Jenna Jameson might appear on a future episode of Dancing with the Stars.
A pair of Oklahoma City strippers helped police identify car thieves who stole the vehicle owner’s keys as he was getting a dance.
Porn stars and strippers convened in Vegas this week for the Exotic Dancer Expo at the Mirage.
“If I have one criticism, I guess it would have to be Jasmine’s song selection. I don’t know about you guys, but whenever I hear ‘Pour Some Sugar on Me,’ I’m reminded of my Uncle Neil biiiig time.”—The New Strip Club Emcee is Still Finding his Rhythm
In a case of serious overreaction, Middle Smithfield (PA) Township Supervisor Robert Spano was arrested for allegedly illegally voting to allow a strip club to be built on his property.
Former male stripper Aaron Berg tells about his time in the sex industry during a one-man show at the New York International Fringe Festival, which runs through the weekend.
Tragic story from Swaziland: “The body of a sex worker has finally been laid to rest after spending five months in the mortuary because her family allegedly disowned her.”
According to Denise Richards, dining with her ex-husband Charlie Sheen and four prostitutes was an “insane” experience. She didn’t specify if Sheen or the hookers were what made the night so “insane.”
Bobbi Starr on the all-too-common strategy of leaking a sex tape to further one’s acting career.
Our new favorite meme is the Jaded Stripper Gerbil.
Actually if you read the comments on the fail pageant blog, I’d it’s pretty unanimous- humankind loves vagina pageants!
I’ve seen a lot of porn in my short life: I was a merch buyer for a porn shop for three years…and I honestly don’t believe that more than a small handful of porn performers have had labiaplasty done. I think this is a scapegoat for the insecurities of the general female population. Not all of us, of course.