1. “The Erasure of Maya Angelou’s Sex Work History,” by Peechington Marie, 5/29
2. “The Fifth Annual Vagina Beauty Pageant: A Judge’s Notes,” by Elle, 8/8
3. “Discussing Other People’s Lives: Social Work and Student Sex Workers,” by Annie O’Neill and Adrienne Graf, 4/11
4. “I Don’t Care About Clients,” by Olive Seraphim, 2/19
5. “Stop AB1576: Compulsory Condom Use Won’t Make Porn Performers Safer,” by Cyd Nova, 5/20
6. “I’m Katha Pollitt’s ‘Highly Educated’ Leftist—And A Sex Trafficking Victim,” by Ecowhore, 5/22
7. “More Than Silence: Tjhisha Ball, Angelia Mangum, and the Erasure of Black Sex Workers,” by Peechington Marie, 9/29
8. “Exposing Snapchat: What Adult Performers Need To Know,” by Victoria Joy, 6/11
9. “Nevada’s Brothels: Legalization Serves The Man,” by Bella Mansfield, Esq., 4/22
10.”So These Sex Workers Walk Into A Human Trafficking Conference: Red Umbrella Project at the Toledo International Human Trafficking Conference,” by Ariel Wolf, 10/15
great year everyone, congrats