Paul Carr has been writing a series of reports from Las Vegas for the Huffington Post with his sobriety as the hook—what’s it like to be in Vegas sober, etc. His guide for part of the trip has been Ruth Fowler, fellow sober person, former stripper and author of the memoir No Man’s Land. For the fourth installment of Carr’s report, they met up with Daisy Delfina and GCupBitch to record a hilarious video that, in the best possible way, sounds exactly like strippers ranting at a diner after work.
I’ve sat at the rack at a truck stop titty bar with Ruth, worked with G on opposite ends of the continent, and shared a dinner table with Daisy. They are charming and bright women and the perfect ambassadors to bring the term “sweatpants boner man” into the wider lexicon. Here’s the original Stripper Web thread where the term was coined. To the best of my knowledge, adult film performer and feature dancer Ginger Lee was the first one to use the phrase. Now it can be known that Sweatpants Boner Man is the new Raincoat Charlie.
If these women are serious, they will soon be obsolete. Why would a man pay for a lap dance with no touching or grinding?
I would never go to a place where women have so many rules, I could go to work if I wanted to hear so much complaining.
Really, we need to turn up the volume. Women, ask your fair price, $100? $200? More? That is fine, but men will be needing the full sexual experience to completion. The days of the platonic lap dance are over, you will find yourself competing for an ever decreasing demographic.
I love strippers, these girls seem fun to be around. Daisy needs to visit NYC.
Haha!! I just saw this in my link stats. Bubbles dear, we need to get together again
To the raincoater asshole saying women like us will soon be obsolete – funny, women like us are the ones who make the most money in the strip clubs! It’s the dumb girls who don’t know how to sell who end up selling their vaginas on the cheap to cheap losers like you, and scrambling to pay the rent every month while ladies like us take the last week of the month off because we have our sh*t together
As a stripper, watching this is wonderful because every bit of it rings true, down to the widemouth bass things guys do. I’ve had guys wave their tongues at me during dances, too, and I’ve had to turn around and continue the dance with my back to them for a minute to keep from laughing or making a face. I will definitely be buying bitter apple.
And to the asshole above: platonic lap dance? A naked or nearly so young lady grinding on you is platonic? You have no understanding of a performance. And in these performances, I have never actually performed a sex act on any customer, nor would I. That is a boundary I’m not willing to cross, but you know what? I’m still one of the top earners at my club.