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Conviction Unlikely for Judge Accused of Raping Prostitute

Can you say busted? The news articles are entitled “New Mexico Judge Charged with Raping Prostitute.” However, it seems the case isn’t so cut and dried.

In Bernalillo County, Judge Pat Murdoch is apparently well-known and highly respected for serving the 2nd Judicial Circuit Court in New Mexico for 26 years. Allegedly, he met and paid an unidentified woman for sex on at least eight occasions. The woman alleges that on at least two of those incidences, Murdoch “forced himself on her” and also “forcibly performed oral sex on her, despite her objections to oral sex.” After this occurred once, the woman returned for another meeting and secretly taped the next assault, which she then presented to undercover police.

Ne-Yo, “Strip Club”

Well, Ne-Yo, I think we found your regular old songs just fine for the strip club, but thanks for this:

Once your set is over come find me
Don’t look at the bar because I’ll be
In the lapdance area waiting
Take your shoes off
And break your dude off

Hookers Stand Up

Last Sunday, BDSM community site FetLife did what a lot of popular sites do every once in a while—it crashed. And the person running FetLife’s Twitter account made a poorly chosen joke: “Whoops… FetLife just went down like a drunk hooker…”, later saying that they “Couldn’t think of anything better to say!” and “I make equal fun of everyone.”

People (most of them polite) called FetLife out on both the comment and what sounded like a justification wrapped in apology packaging. All in all, they were pretty gentle reactions for a tweet that encouraged the stereotype of the incapacitated hooker:

Cat With Stack Meets Dog with Dollars

Together at last! Rocket writes “My pets were jealous that Kat’s dog got a pic. They wanted to participate. Luckily, they are both lazy fucks, so picture taking was an easy endeavor.”


Sex workers, send us your pictures of your dogs and dollars or cats and stacks at info@titsandsass.com 

The Week in Links: August 26


The Christian crusade against pornography addiction wages on, as pastors are bringing up sex more regularly during services. According to a CNN article published this week, modern pastors are concerned porn will lead “to a lack of intimacy in marriage, threatening the biblical mandate to get and stay married.”

PETA announced plans to launch www.peta.xxx, a site that will offer pornographic movies side-by-side with films about animal mistreatment.

Bubbles takes on the anti-stripper message of Weezy’s latest video, “How to Love.”

A Toronto paper published a tribute to recently deceased sex work activist Wendy Babcock.

Apparently, not everyone loves vagina pageants as much as Kat and our readership. Meanwhile, mainstream porn is getting blamed for the rise of labiaplasty.