Tits and Sass is looking to make some new additions to its editorial team. If you’re a fan of the site with a moderate amount of free time, boundless enthusiasm for all things sex work-related, and a good, critical eye for shaping drafts, we want you!
Duties may include:
- responding to emails from interested contributors; soliciting contributions on your own
- writing once a week for the site, either about news or pop culture items
- making suggestions during a draft’s early stages to make the final product tighter and more coherent
- copyediting/proofreading final drafts
The only qualifications we require are that you a) are a strong writer with a great grasp on standard grammar and punctuation rules, b) currently work in the sex industry and c) are able to politely and clearly articulate what changes can be made to make an article better.
Please send emails of interest with links to writing samples to info at titsandsass.com. Tell us a little about yourself and your background. As always, correspondence is kept completely confidential and you are welcome to use a pseudonym. This is a volunteer position without financial compensation, but you will be paid handsomely in glory and appreciation.
I am definitely interested, will be submitting my sample!
No longer work in any sex-related industries, but this is great.
Ooooh, I wish I had the chops! Looking forward to seeing who joins the T&S team.