Home Silly Media Coverage The Week in Links: June 29

The Week in Links: June 29

With the release of Magic Mike, the new Steven Soderbergh and Channing Tatum film that draws from Tatum’s real-life former sex industry career, articles on male strippers have become the next big thing this week. Here, five male strippers review the film, and here, male strippers in Vegas discuss their hopes that the film will help revive their industry.

If you haven’t heard enough about Channing Tatum, click here to see what he has to say about penis pumps.

Also inspired by Magic Mike‘s release, the Toronto Sun published a list of the eight most memorable stripper movies, and the L.A. Times listed their ten favorites (the Times’ list is more entertaining, FYI). Oh wait—there’s another one.

New York magazine published a tourist report on male strip club attire.

Here’s a short list of some other celebrities who used to strip, and a list of porn performers who have had successful mainstream acting careers.

New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg had second thoughts about imposing fines on cab drivers who “knowingly” pick up sex workers.

A Canadian prostitute talks about her work and the case for legalization.

Vietnamese-American sociologist Kimberly Kay Hoang won an award for her dissertation which shows that sex workers and clients sometimes fall in love—we could have told you that!

Google apparently developed some new thing called Google Glass? Anyway, it’s probably going to have porn on it.

Within the next two weeks, Houston will implement a new $5 “pole tax” at all of the city’s strip clubs. The money will help pay for the city’s backlog of rape kits.

There is now an official condom for L.A. County.

A martial arts instructor Jennifer Cassetta has started a Stilettos and Self Defense course. The course focuses on teaching women to defend themselves using improvised weapons in real-life situations—like when you’re wearing six-inch heels and can’t run away easily.

On the topic of getting in shape for her next action flick, actress Kristen Stewart has vowed that she is going to get “in the best shape of my life. I’m going to look like a stripper. I’m going to look like a porn star.” Aw, thanks Kristen!

Thirteen people were arrested in a prostitution sting in Biloxi, Miss.


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