After the state aired a documentary on a so-called “sin city” in China, exposing the prevalence of sex work (amongst other things), support for damaging anti-vice campaigns is growing. Support for the legalization of sex work in China is also growing.
Oh, COME ON, Canada! Just ask sex workers what the best way to re-write prostitution laws is, because the stupid survey you’re offering isn’t cutting it . This survey is much better and PLEASE, PLEASE SUBMIT YOUR ANSWERS.
In more Canada news, suspended Conservative senator Patrick Brazeau is working as a day shift manager at an Ottowa strip club. He’s also known as the man who lost a charity boxing match to Justin Trudeau.
That awkward moment when the founder of an anti-trafficking organization is accused of rape, then flees the country.
This promotional video for a Sochi resort hotel includes a clip filmed in the on-premises strip club. We’ve queued it up for you.
Margo Christie, who was one of the last burlesque performers in Baltimore’s storied Block strip clubs, has written a novel and did a long Q&A with the Baltimore Post-Examiner.
All these Italian sex workers want to do is pay taxes.
The World Cup is still four months away but the trafficking hysteria and whorephobia have already started.
In a few parts of France, Big Brother is watching you.
This article doesn’t really state whether Las Vegas’ bid for the Republican National Convention is damaged because sex work is illegal or because it shouldn’t be illegal. Either way, I think we’re correct in assuming that secretly, deep down, Republicans really, really like sex workers. Wink Wink.
Another day, another dollar, another strip club is getting taken to court.
Natasha Stewart, also know as Pebbelz Da Model, was sentenced to seven years for her role in a fatal silicone buttocks enhancement incident.
A belated RIP to poet and author Maggie Estep, whose final blog post was a sweet remembrance of working as a stripper, and the best part of being a stripper, which is: other strippers.
Sex workers in Chennai, India are still demanding their own red light district.
The police have captured a suspect of the murder of a sex worker in West London.
This client went out in style and comfort. We hope he’s having a blast at the big brothel in the sky.
The San Francisco Commission on the Status of Women only sees sex work issues in black and white.
A Detroit strip club burns down, eliminating scores of jobs, and Curbed asks about the development potential for the space downtown. Thanks.
Long interview over at the Atlantic with Melissa Gira Grant about her forthcoming book, Playing the Whore.
Interesting (stupid) choice, people who made a parody comedy short called 12 Days A Stripper.
Regarding the second item, I just want to emphasize that apparently you don’t need to be Canadian to let the Canadian government know what you think about sex-work. Despite the fact that the Canadian Supreme Court recently struck down Canada’s prostitution laws, the government seems to want to bring in legislation that’s based on the Swedish Model laws, so it might be good if the lawmakers heard from people who are opposed to those laws.
It’s likely the public consultation is a big sham. The government has already started drafting new legislation. I don’t know if they’ve consulted sex workers and sex worker organizations in that process. I certainly haven’t seen anything on any of our discussion boards or review boards asking for our input. Surely they know that’s one of the best ways to reach us.
I suppose they might have contacted SPOC, WISH, Maggie’s, PEERS, etcetera for their input. I would love to know if sex workers have been consulted.
Frankly, I don’t see why the government should be consulting the general public. Who cares what Molly Housewife thinks? I think they should be talking primarily to people who are affected by prostitution legislation, and people who are experts on the sex trade. So sex workers, clients, researchers, lawyers, and so on.
I’m sure we’ll see the Nordic model introduced sometime this year. Sigh.