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Just A Regular Day in the Park…

I have a policy that fetish play is just that, play, and as such I am loathe to take it into the public eye. This policy exists for a few reasons, the most important being that I hate when people push their shit on me, so I’m not going to push mine on them. I get grossed out by overly lovey couples, religious zealots, and the lot. Walking a slave on a leash in the middle of Downtown Dallas would be right along those lines as far as I’m concerned.

Having said all that, it is pretty hilarious. I imagine that there are submissives wanking to this as I type, so many people have that “In Public” fetish. Most of them are too chickenshit to go through with it though, so I admire this guy’s bravery. He isn’t even wearing a costume!

Hello there, I'm Bettie. So nice to meet you, and in such welcoming surroundings! This is a bio, so let me tell you some things about me: *I like old things. Old films, old clothes, old men, almost anything really. *I am a philosophy student. *I like to travel. Like. A lot. And by bus! *I am a sex worker. Specifically, I give spankings. I'm a Pro-Domme. *I am also a feminist. The mouthy kind. The one who ruins tv and movies for you. *And a woman of color. As evinced by my snazzy portrait displaying my brownfulness for all the world to see. There are things about me that are incredibly old world and Southern, like my intense love of barbecue and mint juleps, but I swear I'm a modern lady. Lady here is defined by me, not any dictionary. I like to think of myself as a gypsy, my Mom just thinks I'm unstable, both are applicable. Hey MOM! I have a sincere disdain for class privilege, conspicuous consumption, blatant and covert racism, and people being nasty to each other for no damn reason. I insist on being ladylike at all times; it's my fetish and I won't change it for you, you're not my real dad! Also, I believe very much in side hustles and am an avid shoe wearer. It's so nice to meet you, darlin'. With love, B. My Twitter My Tumblr


  1. Agree w/the dedication of the slave, but more importantly I agree w/YOU, Bettie. I abhor it when people feel it’s their right to display OBVIOUS fetish-oriented clothing, activities, language, in public. How do you explain to kids the way that woman is dressed and why that man is chained and why he kneeling, licking her boots? I suppose the couple could say, “Don’t let your kids walk by us.” Well, you know what? We only have one 8yo, but in a park, kids don’t sedately stroll w/parents. They like to RUN, and (unfortunately!) we can’t keep THEM on a leash. What if she ran 20ft ahead of us, stopped RIGHT in front of that couple, before we had time to see them and circumnavigate her AROUND the idiotic display. I say “idiotic,” because that’s what it was. I, myself, have been playing on the fringe of the kink community for yrs, so I’m well aware of what was going on. Maybe the Domme is “testing” the slave’s boundaries, or maybe that’s his fave thing to do, but the couple should take this into a BDSM club where people understand the M/s culture….or, for God’s sake…make the slave bring a blanket and sit on the grass in a more secluded park area! What’s wrong w/trying to be JUST A TAD bit POLITE in public nowadays? I’m not saying everyone needs to be transported back to the movie set of “Pleasantville” (quelle horreur!). We all know the BDSM world, for years, has struggled with gaining “respect,” but with people like this…THEY have to learn to SHOW it to help the entire community continue to EARN it…remember that, folks.


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