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Quote of the Week

Imagine, if you are not too delicate to do so, that you are a lady who gives handjobs for a living. Maybe you’re an experienced dominatrix and you like the extra cash you can make from them; maybe you’re an erotic masseuse with basic knowledge of fetishes advertising in the domination and fetish section because you could use some new clients. Whatever the precise nature of your business strategy, it works for you.

Why on earth would you change your system in order to make life easier for the competition? And why would you change it so you make less money?

“But they offer such cheap sessions! People ask me for discounts and sex acts.”

This is a competitive business. Learn to say no and fucking get used to it.

Mistress Ouch resurrects her “Shut Up About the ‘Prostidommes’ Already” rant on her tumblr as the extras debate resurfaces.


  1. Gotta agree with Mistress Matisse on this one — I’m not a dancer, so I can’t comment on the “shared space” aspect of the particular extras discussion that’s been at Tits and Sass the last bit, but for indie dominatrixes (you know, people who are not put at risk for arrest by other SW’s activities), there is just no damn excuse that isn’t just plain old hating sex workers. As a relatively “non-permissive” domme, I find that, not only do more permissive dommes not hurt my business, but we symbiotically help each other — or more accurately, we are damn different markets and really competing for very few of the same clients. And you know what? Lots of my clients ask for handjobs or PIV or all sorts of things that I don’t do. And most of them, when I say “No, sorry I can’t/won’t provide that for you,” shrug and book with me anyway. People, clients or otherwise, will often just see if something’s on offer, but if you say no, that doesn’t mean you’ve lost them as a client (and if you have, then they weren’t really “your” clients in the first place, because they were looking for something you don’t provide. Other SW’s don’t enter into it.)


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