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Indigenous People In The Sex Trade Speak Out

We collectively and steadfastly resist the so-called “rescuing” and “saving” approaches to the issues going on in our lives that comes from the (in)justice system, social service agencies, prohibitionist groups, and many other areas.  What we are asking for is not to be saved or rescued or consistently painted as victims – we come from generations of peoples who have resisted this approach for the last 500+ years so we could be here today. We are asking for support that is unconditional and meets us where we are at.

From the Native Youth Sexual Health Network

(Original text can be found here; the statement is also reprinted in full below.)

It’s International Sex Workers Day

June 2 marks International Sex Workers Day, commemorating a 1975 sit-in staged by French sex workers and allies at a church in Lyon. How do we celebrate this, exactly, and what can we expect from it? Holidays like this can be a good way to start a conversation or rejuvenate your own commitment to activism, but other than that, they’re essentially another calendar-condoned opportunity to preach to the converted.

This day, and International Sex Workers’ Rights Day (celebrated March 3),  get significantly less attention, at least in the U.S., than even the December 17th International Day to Prevent Violence Against Sex Workers—yet another day largely ignored by anyone outside sex work activist groups and indie media. While these are days for community building and solidarity, they arguably don’t achieve much, if anything, in the way of tangible social or political progress outside our insular communities. The vague notion of “raising awareness” makes its way into every article and event announcement, but it’s quite difficult to measure how much awareness is raised beyond the awareness raisers themselves and their immediate group of allies. More frustrating than a somewhat arbitrary holiday’s lack of power in dictating change is its reminder of how desperately necessary that change really is.

Turn Off the Blue Light

A friend turned me on this Irish sex worker organization, Turn Off the Blue Light, and their great poster campaign. Prostitution is currently legal in Ireland, but an opposing campaign called Turn Off the Red Light has been picking up momentum in their push for criminalization—ya know, to “end sex trafficking.”

Because We Will Never Have Enough!

Videos for partners of sex workers, that is.

Yes, Boo, and we'd appreciate it if you acted like it.

Maybe I have a soft spot for anything with the word “ho” in it*, but this came to my attention and I just had to tell you about it folks! Naomi is trying to create a film along the lines of “Every Ho I Know Says So“, which I was in and wrote about here, called “Project Ho Lovers” and is looking for voices and faces and people with stories. I am assuming that all of us working folks have a story to contribute, so why don’t you do it? I know y’all date, don’t play with me.

Army of Me: Sex Worker Self Defense

Girl Army

In light of the recent murders of Long Island sex workers, vigilante justice group New York Initiative has been getting attention for their offers to protect and rescue sex workers in need, all while wearing superhero costumes. Their Craigslist post, beginning with a somewhat creepy and condescending “Hello, pretty lady!”, gives some obvious safety advice (“make sure a friend knows where you’re going”), and then offers their own services as “rescue team,” should a client get out of hand.