Home Activism Because We Will Never Have Enough!

Because We Will Never Have Enough!

Videos for partners of sex workers, that is.

Yes, Boo, and we'd appreciate it if you acted like it.

Maybe I have a soft spot for anything with the word “ho” in it*, but this came to my attention and I just had to tell you about it folks! Naomi is trying to create a film along the lines of “Every Ho I Know Says So“, which I was in and wrote about here, called “Project Ho Lovers” and is looking for voices and faces and people with stories. I am assuming that all of us working folks have a story to contribute, so why don’t you do it? I know y’all date, don’t play with me.

At some point this stuff won’t be necessary. The world will be such that there won’t be weird shaming happening, no one will feel weird about you doing sex work, no one will think there’s something degrading about you choosing to work, etc, but until then we have to help create the world we wish we lived in . . . so contact her!


Naomi’s Email is: naomi.zaretsky@gmail.com and her blog Working Sex can be found here.

*Anything except this bullshit right here. I can’t endorse that.

Hello there, I'm Bettie. So nice to meet you, and in such welcoming surroundings! This is a bio, so let me tell you some things about me: *I like old things. Old films, old clothes, old men, almost anything really. *I am a philosophy student. *I like to travel. Like. A lot. And by bus! *I am a sex worker. Specifically, I give spankings. I'm a Pro-Domme. *I am also a feminist. The mouthy kind. The one who ruins tv and movies for you. *And a woman of color. As evinced by my snazzy portrait displaying my brownfulness for all the world to see. There are things about me that are incredibly old world and Southern, like my intense love of barbecue and mint juleps, but I swear I'm a modern lady. Lady here is defined by me, not any dictionary. I like to think of myself as a gypsy, my Mom just thinks I'm unstable, both are applicable. Hey MOM! I have a sincere disdain for class privilege, conspicuous consumption, blatant and covert racism, and people being nasty to each other for no damn reason. I insist on being ladylike at all times; it's my fetish and I won't change it for you, you're not my real dad! Also, I believe very much in side hustles and am an avid shoe wearer. It's so nice to meet you, darlin'. With love, B. My Twitter My Tumblr



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